Enhancements to your Live Show


Vocal Performances

We create an environment that allows your featured singers to deliver a more nuanced and expressive performance. This occurs organically with no disruption to your singers. 

Instrumental Performances

We deliver a more accurate and musical performance. This process is a team effort between Show Doctor Inc and your musical director. 

More Realism

We greatly enhance the realism within a Legacy Music live show. This is on multiple levels including performances, instrumental sound, FOH and more! 

Audio/Venue Issues

Poor sounding audio can ruin even the best live show. Show Doctor Inc has a wide range of practical and affordable solutions to deal with these problems. 

Maintain Audience Interest

During a long show things can start sounding the same, causing the audience to lose interest. We offer practical solutions to prevent this from happening. 

Cutting Edge Resources

We use many custom and proprietary resources that are unique to Show Doctor Inc. These allow us to explore a large number of unique and creative solutions.